Advance Trading provides smart international transportation that connects Japan and the rest of the world.

Advance Trading provides container intermodal transportation from overseas to Japan.
For example, we provide door-to-door transportation between overseas local factories and domestic ones, as well as between overseas and domestic container yards.

  • Forwarding business

    Provides services for various types of cargo ranging from containers to small lots.

  • Export business

    Provides services for various types of cargo ranging from containers to small lots.

  • Import business

    Provides services that adapt to various transportation conditions for any type of cargo, including container, consolidated and frozen cargo.

  • Large-sized vehicles
    Transportation business
    for plant machinery

    Provides services adapted to transportation for large-sized vehicles and plant machinery.

Physical distribution flow

Do you face any of the following challenges?

  • • We can’t identify the entire cost related to physical distribution from overseas to domestic locations, and thus can’t make improvements.
  • • It takes us time to obtain the information we want, such as schedules and progress status.
  • • We can’t arrange transportation and provide progress management and the cost is considerable.
  • • Costs for physical distribution and checks and inspections of goods are high.
  • • Procedures related to import and export and applications with government organizations impose a heavy burden.
Make the physical distribution cost transparent by arranging intermodal transportation.
We will contribute to the further improvement of your physical distribution by making the physical distribution cost transparent.
Visualize information by managing the entire system, increase communication speed and reduce lead time.
Improve efficiency by integrating physical distribution operations from overseas to Japan, which tend to be handled by multiple departments and vendors.
Handle transportation arrangements, procedures for applications to government agencies, and progress management
We take care of national or international procedures for applications to government agencies related to the import/export business and visualize schedules and progress using a physical distribution system, which allows customers to focus on their core business.
Provide optimized inventory storage and processing locations overseas and across Japan to reduce unnecessary distribution costs.
We help you to reduce distribution costs and inventories by providing overall optimal locations.
Reduce unnecessary expenses by providing checks and inspections of goods upstream or even overseas.
We deliver overall cost reduction by providing checks and inspections of goods upstream of distribution.